General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for the services offered via the Website of WomenWay


Applicability of these GTC and Conclusion of Contract


The services of WomenWay are produced and distributed by
WomenWay Association
Lettenstrasse 9
CH-6343 Rotkreuz / ZG (Website operator).

WomenWay Association is the publisher of the Website (Website).


The Website is available for natural and legal persons. Users have the possibility to register as professional women, guests, mentors or experts, register for events, create their profile as mentors or experts.



Use of the Website


The contract between the Website operator and the user regarding the usage of the Website is concluded with the registration of the user.


All users of this Website are obliged to present their real name resp. company name and to provide only truthful information at all times. User ID and Password can be chosen individually.


The contract between user and Website operator comes into existence, as soon as the user receives a confirmation of the registration.


The Website operator expressly reserves the right to reject the registration of users without giving reasons.



Offering and Liability


Users may create profiles and requests. Users are responsible that their published profiles and requests do not infringe rights of third parties, namely intellectual property rights.


The Website operator is not liable for any breach of duty of one user versus another user based on agreements and contracts concluded between the two. The users are responsible themselves for the professional and personal communication between themselves.


The Website operator makes no warranty or representation of interests regarding the fulfillment of contracts that were concluded because of this Website.


The Website operator is not liable for lost or not delivered correspondence between users which was sent via the Website.


The Website operator under no circumstances accepts any liability whatsoever towards users for direct or indirect damage or harm that may result from usage of the Website and the content of the information published via the Website or the transmission of the respective information via the Internet.


The users must consider that the authentication of Internet users cannot be fully guaranteed, even if the information of the users is verified. The Website operator does not guarantee that it is really the claimed persons behind the users, the linked websites or the banner advertisements presented. He who establishes contact with other users should check the identity of the respective persons on his own.



Obligations of Website Users


The user cares at his own expense for the required conditions for access to the Internet and the Website.


User ID and Password may only be used by the registered customers to whom they belong. The user is obliged in his own interest to keep User ID and Password confidential. The user may change the password at any time, but he must choose a new password that is not easy to guess, e.g. no birth dates or names of family members.


In case of loss of User ID and Password or suspected unauthorized access or abuse the user has to inform the customer service as soon as possible and change the password if possible.


The user is not permitted to make improper use of the Website and to violate laws and/or the rights of third parties.


The users are not permitted to send neither advertisements nor spam to other users of the Website.


In case of substantiated indications of unauthorized and improper use of the Website, the Website operator may temporarily interrupt the user’s system access without prior notice, until safety can be ensured again.


In case of breach of duty by one of the contractual parties in accordance with recitals 4.1 and 4.5 of this contract and infringement of the rights of third parties in accordance with recital 3.1 of this contract the Website operator reserves the right to immediately block the user’s access and terminate the contract without prior notice. Any prepaid fees will not be refunded in such a case. The user is liable to the Website operator for all costs and losses resulting from the breach of duties.



Terms of Payment


Website offers that are charged for, are indicated accordingly.


The prices are displayed under the respective offerings and listed in CHF. Applicable is the price at the time the order is made. Included in the respective price is the possibly accruing statutory value-added tax.


Users may pay the fee in one of the following ways:
– by credit card
– by invoice: the bill has to be paid in advance through bank transfer



Warranty for the Services of the Website


The Website operator guarantees thorough performance of his services and obliges himself to perform them in accordance with the current technological standards.


The liability of the Website operator is limited to damages that are attributable to willful breaches of contract or gross or average negligence of its employees.


The users are aware that even with careful software development and maintenance occasional errors may occur, so that the Website operator does not guarantee an uninterrupted operation of the Website. The Website operator is not liable for consequential damages, loss of profits and loss of data as well as damages as a result of service interruptions.


The Website operator carries out planned system interruptions, such as maintenance checks whenever possible outside office hours. He can interrupt operations if required due to important reasons, e.g. in case of disorders or danger of abuse. If possible information about interruptions will be published on the Website.


The Website operator is not liable for defects and faults outside of his responsibility, specifically security deficiencies and standstills caused by third parties, he works with, or whom he depends upon.


The Website operator is furthermore not liable in the event of force majeure, improper use, disregard of risks on the side of the customer or third parties, excessive use, inadequate equipment and extreme environmental conditions, unauthorized manipulation of the program code of the software on the part of the customer or malfunctions caused by third parties (viruses, worms etc.), that occur despite the current implemented security precautions.


The Website operator informs the users on the Website about risks, e.g. spam messages that were supposedly sent in his name, as well as security precautions.


In the event that the users detect mistakes on the Website, they shall report them to the customer service as fast as possible.



Data Protection and Processing of Data


The Website operator expressly guarantees compliance with the rules on data protection. He obliges himself, for systems, programs, etc., that belong to him and on which he has influence, to ensure safety according to the current technological standards.


The users provide the Website operator with all information required for the services according to the contract and warrant, that all data entered by them are correct and complete. The users report changes of address and other required information immediately.


The users acknowledge that the Website operator stores data that is required for fulfillment of the contract, and stores it in accordance with legal archiving obligations and potentially analyzes it for statistical purposes. The Website operator obliges himself not to share the data of the users with third parties for other purposes than stated in the contract.


This Website stores only personal data that has been provided by the users themselves by registring for the newsletter, an event, or as business woman, guest, mentor or mentee. Users can delete their data at any time, as follows:
– delete the user account in the user area
– send an email with the subject: "delete my data" to


The Website operator regularly sends out a newsletter with various contents. The newsletter can be unsubscribed from at any time via user account settings or by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in the newsletter email.


This Website does not use persistent cookies.
This Website uses Google Analytics. To disable Google Analytics users can install a browser add-on from Google, available here:



Termination of Contract


Users can delete their registration (user account) at any time. The contract is terminated with the deletion of the user account by the user.


Should the Website operator cease to offer the service, he obliges himself to inform the clients about this at the earliest possible date.



Changes in Terms of the Contract


The here presented Terms and Conditions may be revised at any time by the Website operator.


Changes and amendments to these Terms and Conditions are effective and valid upon publishing on the Website.


It is the user’s responsibility to inform himself regularly about the content of and the potential changes to the presented Terms and Conditions, by looking up the following address:



Final Provisions


This contract is governed by Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is the court of general jurisdiction at the location of the Website operator.


Should individual provisions of this contract be or become without legal force, the validity of the rest of the contract is not touched. The ineffective provisions shall be replaced by an agreement in accordance with the law and in as close correspondence as possible to the will of the parties.


These GTC are written in English, German and French. In case of doubt, the German version shall be binding.


Rotkreuz, 05.03.2021





© 2009 - 2025 WOMENWAY